ZonabitOrario: the easy solution for a complex problem
Choose the satisfaction of everybody's requirements Educational rules, teachers on more than one school, whishes, labs, gyms and much more
In order to have the best timetable, you need to set up teachers and constraints through our user interface, no need for manuals. You can change your constraints any time you need and obtain a new scheduling.
You can check the possible conflicts or errors automatically: ZonabitOrario gives you all the messages to find out the errors. Then you can process your data to get the scheduling. You can see the following documents, either as HTML or documents: - - general timetable according to teachers' alphabetical order - class timetable for each teacher - class timetable for each subject - teacher's timetable - - labs timetable showing classes, subjects and teachers who are present - gyms timetable
After solving constraints, every timetable is balanced so that the presence of each teacher in each class is well distributed throughout the week and the single working day.
All the constraints you set up will be respected. The software will signal as non-complying only the impossible and inconsistent constraints.Our software is the most powerful on the market and it can also solve constraints for schools for which more than 2 months work is required.
Our software allows you to comply didactic and personal requests of each teacher, including the choice of working days, the hours in each class and the weekly distribution of working hours.You can also choose special constraints such as using the same vehicle or make two or more teachers working togetherfor a period of time.
It is not necessary to create a timetable for labs or gyms in advance. You only need to set up teachers of technical subjects and match the different gym teams, and the software will take care of shared hours and teams in the gym.
It is possible to match more classes for the same subject so that they have a few or more matching hours per week. This is for subjects like PE and for projects that involve more classes.
Unless very specific cases, the software will only assign free hours to those teachers who can use them because they have a contract that allows having free hours. No more useless free working hours and no more than one hour per day.